spring begins brown
like last night’s leftovers taste
better today
spring begins brown
like last night’s leftovers taste
better today
time changes
slow motion eruption
times change
Remember this day? ‘Twas the third day of February, in the middle of my new year cleanse/reboot, and it was really the only day of fertile shooting conditions in the four week run.
(Who knew that what was called for was MORE gray? Go figure. Ya take what she gives ya.)
Anyhow, I promised more photos of the day. Here’s one. Same basic scene I shared the day before this, markedly better results.
Last day of the four week series. Made it. Successfully stuck to the program, with aforementioned modifications.
Hypotheses confirmed: Process matters. Outcomes over outputs. How you do anything is how you do everything. Discipline AND discernment.
Some super heroes don’t wear capes – they leave them in the woods for others to pick up and bear.
Edit: That sounds snide. What I mean is this: Whose burden will you pick up and share today?
Edit Again: Nope, still not right. Here it is (maybe): What looks to you or me like negligence might actually be a fellow child of God laying down burdens they can no longer bear, burdens placed on them by a harsh world, or worse, by other children of God. We could pick them up, if we wanted.
See a photo on my Phlog or social media that you'd like made available for purchase as a print or download? Just contact me and I'll make it happen.
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